Hello Year 1,
We are very excited to see you in school on Monday 6th January. We hope you had a lovely half term break with your families and friends.
Collection of children after school: Parents, please collect your children at the back doors of the Year 1 classrooms. You are welcome to wait underneath the trees until we release the children to you. Due to health and safety reasons we we ask you not to come to the classes via the ramp. If you would like to have a conversation with the teachers please wait until all children are released before coming up the ramp.
Remember to read every day, because reading makes you smarter. Please ask your adults to write in your Reading Record after you read.
We have decided to share the following information with you to ensure everybody knows what is expected.
Our children enjoy PE and it would be fantastic if all PE bags and PE clothes are labelled so that we can identify items that may get lost or put accidentally into the wrong bag. Please could you also make sure that hair is tied up and earrings are removed on PE days? Your child will be having PE on the following days:
Miss Hall's class - Tuesdays and Wednesdays
Mrs Cranstone's class - Wednesdays and Fridays
Show and Tell
Children can bring ONE item to school on a Friday to discuss with the class.
Friday 10.1.25 - Ruby
Friday 17.1.25 - Amber
Friday 24.1.25 - Emerald
Friday 31.1.25 - Sapphire
Please send the Show and Tell item in a carry bag.
Contact with teachers
Please send any communications to teachers through the admin@greatberry.essex.sch.uk email address. Please allow teachers time to respond to your emails, we will let you know when we have received the email. Parents are also advised to communicate absences, doctor's appointments, and other matters that need immediate attention to the office email address.
Snack time in school
We have a small snack every morning after we go out for playtime at 10:15 a.m. The school provides a piece of fruit, but children do not always like the fruit on offer. Parents are welcome to send a piece of fruit to school for snack time. Please note that crisps, chocolates, biscuits, or any other sugary food are not allowed as we strive to teach children to enjoy a healthy snack. Raisins and dried fruit will be acceptable. Could you please limit the size of the snack as we only have 5 minutes available for snack time.
Children have a Homework Book as well as a folder for Maths sheets. Homework will be available every Thursday. We will post a Weekly Overview document so that parents will know what we will be learning in a specific week as well as the homework. Parents will be able to see this document online on the Great Berry Primary School website when clicking on the Year 1 Class Page option. English homework will normally be done in the Homework Book and Maths homework will be a sheet that we will put into the Maths folder. Please return the Homework Book on a Tuesday so that it can be marked before the new homework activities are scheduled.
Children are encouraged to read daily to their parents/carers and reading books will be exchanged once a week. Please write the date children read to parents/carers in the reading diary and a short note about their reading.
Barnaby Bear
Last Friday Barnaby Bear went home with one child in each class. We know he will have an exciting time with the children this year. If your child receives Barnaby for the weekend, please send it back on Monday so it can be ready on a Friday to go to a different child. There is a book in the Barnaby Bear bag, and it would be great if children could write/draw pictures of the things he has been doing.
We look forward to a wonderful half term with all our Year 1 parents/carers and children!
The Year One Team