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Great BerryPrimary Academy

A caring place to Learn and Grow

Year 4

Year 4 CHOIR - Music Festival May 2024 Song Links

Welcome back, Year 4!

 We hope you all had a great break. We are now half way the Summer term, but still have lots of exciting projects to work on. We will be designing and making an electric car in D.T. and take part in the Great Berry Primary Engineer competition. In English and Geography, we will be learning about mountains and volcanoes. We will make an explanation booklet and our own erupting volcano. We are also going to design and make a healthy pizza. In Computing, we will be creating, running and debugging our own programmes using coding. After spending most of the academic year learning and practising times tables, we will finally take the Multiplication Tables check. Let's not forget the highly anticipated Great Berry Sports Day! Which team will be the winner this year? Good luck, everyone!


Our P.E. days this half term are:

4 DH: Wednesdays (swimming) and Thursdays.

4 KB Wednesdays (swimming) and Fridays


Children need to wear their P.E kit to school on their P.E. days. On Wednesdays, children need to wear their swimming costumes under their P.E. kit. Don't forget to pack underwear. Please, do not wear earrings on your P.E. days and make sure your hair is tied up.


If you have any questions or need to talk to us, contact us via e-mail:, or leave a message in the reception.


We continue to look forward to working together to make the end of the year a successful, happy and memorable one.


Year 4 Team



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