Home Page

Great BerryPrimary Academy

A caring place to Learn and Grow

Year 6

Gala Dinner

Weekly Overview and Homework 15th July

Weekly Overview and Homework 8th July

Weekly Overview and Homework 24th June

Weekly Overview and Homework 17th June

Weekly Overview and Homework 3rd June

Year 6 Residential Trip 2024 Parent Presentation

Weekly Overview and Homework 20th May

Weekly Overview and Homework 13th May

Weekly Overview and Homework

Weekly Overview and Homework

Weekly Overview and Homework

Weekly Overview and Homework 25th March

Weekly Overview and Homework 18th March

Homework and Weekly Overview 11th March

Homework and Weekly Overview 4th March

Weekly Overview and Homework 19.02.24 - 26.02.24

Weekly Overview and Homework

Weekly Overview and Homework

Weekly Overview and homework

Weekly Overview and Homework

Weekly Overview and Homework

Weekly Overview and Homework

Weekly Overview and Homework

Weekly Overview and Homework

Weekly Overview and Homework

Weekly Overview and Homework

SPELLING - words for the year

Weekly Overview and Homework 30.10.23

Weekly Overview and Homework

Weekly Overview and Homework

Weekly Overview and Homework

Isle of Wight 2024 Initial Information presentation

Welcome to Year 6

You can use this page to track homework and the topics for the week.  They will be written in a weekly overview and posted on a Thursday when homework is given out.

PE Days:

6PD: Tuesday and Thursday

6SK: Tuesday and Wednesday

You can use the year 6 email ( to contact the class teachers.  Please note that this is checked weekly so for urgent messages, please contact the school office.

Kind regards,

Mrs King and Miss. Darton

Final Weekly Overview and Homework

Weekly Overview and Homework

Weekly Overview and Homework

Weekly Overview and Homework

Weekly Overview and Homework

Weekly Overview and Homework

Weekly Overview and Homework

Isle of Wight 2023 - A copy of the Isle of Wight presentation that we used at our meeting on May 19th.

Weekly Overview and Homework

Weekly Overview and Homework

Weekly Overview and Homework

Weekly Overview and Homework

Weekly Overview for Summer week 1 and Easter Revision

Weekly Overview and Homework

Weekly Overview and Homework

Weekly Overview and Homework

Weekly Overview and Homework

Weekly Overview and Homework

Homework and Weekly Overview

Weekly Overview and Homework

Weekly Overview and Homework

Weekly Overview and Homework

Weekly Overview and Homework

Weekly Overview and Homework

Weekly Overview and Holiday Project

Weekly Overview and Homework

Weekly Overview and Homework

Weekly Overview and Homework

Weekly Overview and Homework

Weekly Overview and Homework

Weekly Overview and Homework

Half Term holiday and Autumn 2 forthcoming topics

Weekly Overview and Homework

Weekly Overview and Homework

Weekly Overview and Homework

Weekly Overview and Homework

Weekly Overview and Homework

Weekly Overview and Homework

Welcome - September 2022

Welcome to the new school year in Year 6.

PE days (where pupils wear their PE kits to school):

  • 6PD Thursday and Friday
  • 6SK Wednesday and Thursday


Each week you will find an overview for the week, showing homework tasks, spellings and topics.

Please keep hearing your child read regularly as they work towards achieving their reading certificates.


Weekly Overview - 18th July

Weekly Overview - 3rd July

Weekly Overview and homework - 27th June

Weekly Overview and homework - 20th June

Weekly Overview and homework 13th June

Weekly Overview and homework 6th June

Weekly Overview and homework 19th May

Year 6 Residential 2022

Weekly overview - week beginning 16th May

Weekly Overview - week beginning 9th May

Weekly overview - week beginning 2nd May

Weekly overview - week beginning 25th April

Weekly Overview - week beginning 18th April

Weekly Overview - week beginning 21st March

Weekly Overview - week beginning 14th March

Weekly Overview - week beginning 7th March

Homework and Weekly Overview 3rd March

Homework and Weekly Overview 24th. February

Homework and Weekly Overview 10th February

Homework and Weekly Overview 3rd. February

SATS meeting for Year 6 Parents

Homework and Weekly Overview 27th January

Homework and Weekly Overview 20th January

Homework and Weekly Overview 13th January

Homework and Weekly Overview 6th January

Homework and Weekly Overview 9th December

Homework and Weekly Overview 2nd December

Homework and Weekly Overview 25th November

Homework and Weekly Overview 18th November

Homework and Weekly Overview 4th November

Half Term Homework and Overview 21st. October

Homework and Weekly Overview 14th October

Homework and Weekly Overview 7th October

Isle of Wight 2022 Initial Briefing

Homework and Weekly Overview 30th September

Homework and Weekly Overview 23rd September

Homework and Overview 16th September

Homework and Overview 9th September

Welcome to Year 6

PE days

 6PD   PE kit to be worn on a Monday and a Friday.   

 6SK   PE kit to be worn on a Tuesday and a Thursday.

Week Beginning 12th June


During our final full week of school this week, we have lots of interesting activities happening!


On Tuesday, we will be putting the finishing touches to our Food Technology project and the children will be bringing home their Afternoon Tea boxes on this day. We hope you enjoy them!


We will be completing some Art themed activities when we look at the impact of different fonts and creating a piece of artwork based around different styles of writing.


Our music focus this week continues by learning some songs related to William Shakespeare.


We will also be completing our PSHE and Science lessons based on growing up. 


PE will be on a Monday this week as usual.


If we could please ask children to bring a 'sturdy' carrier bag to school by Thursday. If this could also have their name on it.




Week Beginning 5th July

This week in English we will be looking at the character of Lady Macbeth. We will be examining whether she influenced her husband to carry out the things that he did or not.

Our Maths this week will be focused on puzzles and investigations linked to shape. We will be working logically and discussing our findings for our work.

In DT, our Skyscrapers work continues as we begin to design and make our very own. Please could you bring to school and suitable cardboard or boxes/tubes to use for this by Thursday. 

We will also be working with a chef from ISS this week to do some baking as we begin to prepare our Afternoon Tea Box treats...


On Monday 5th July (6PD/DH) and Wednesday 7th July (6CB) will be the Year 6 BBQ Lunch (provided by the Year 6 staff). Both BBQ's are for the children, during the school day. Children will therefore not need to bring a lunch on this day. 

Homework Thursday 24th June

Due in Tuesday 13th July 

Your task for this project is to design your own Theme Park. You have been given a pack of information about the tasks you will need to complete for this project to bring home. Please feel free to complete additional tasks for your theme park if you wish. 

Task 1: Develop your theme and mind map your ideas.

Task 2: Create a poster/infographic or pamphlet about your theme park.

Task 3: Complete the 'theme park ride key' activity sheet in your pack.

Task 4: Complete the maths activity sheet in your pack.

Task 5: Complete the challenge activity on the instruction sheet of your pack.


Please put your name on your work and hand in by Tuesday 13th July. If you need additional paper please ask, or you can use the back of the sheets in your pack to present your work. 

Week Beginning 21st June

In English this week we will be looking at poetry related to The Witches from one of Shakespeare's famous plays 'Macbeth'. The children will then be creating some poetry of their own.

Maths will focus on shapes this week with some revision on 2D and 3D shapes followed by focusing on circles. 

We will be starting our new DT project this week with the children beginning to investigate different famous skyscrapers around the world.

Please note we will be starting to look at humans and relationships in both our Science and PSHE later this week and continuing with this next week. 

PE remains on a Monday- please prepare for the weather.


Homework Thursday 17th June 

Due in Tuesday 22nd June


Your task this week is to design a poster to show our school values. Mrs Holland will be looking at your designs and would like to display some in the school. You can create your poster by hand or on a computer but they must be no bigger than A4. Please also put your name on your poster.

Remember to make it interesting, colourful and bright with nice bold writing.

Hand your poster into your class teacher.

Our school values are: responsibility, respect, kindness, curiosity, aspiration and resilience. Remember how we discussed in class this week how they link to our school motto 'A caring place to learn and grow' as you may also want to include this. 

Year 6 Danbury Residential Parent Presentation

Week Beginning 24th May


In English this week the children will be continuing to work on their restaurant projects from last week. They will be creating a menu and a review of their restaurant. The children have been very creative with the themes for their restaurants.


The Maths focus will be around measures this week as we begin to look at converting units of measure with a focus on metric and then imperial units.


Our PSHE work changes this week as we begin to explore financial capability. The children will be learning about what money is and the history of money.


Finally, our Science work continues around electricity as we explore ways of creating circuits and the scientific way of drawing diagrams involving circuits. 


**Monday 24th May is class photo day. The children will need to wear their school uniform this day for the photographs. We will be doing PE on Friday 28th May instead so children will need to wear their kit then.**


**Please note there is a Danbury Parent Meeting on Wednesday 26th May at either 4pm or 6pm. These will be held via Zoom with the links sent via Schools Buddy.**



Homework 20th May 2021


We will be setting a homework project over the next few weeks which is due to be handed in on Tuesday 15th June. Please see the details of the project below. Each child has also received a 'pack' with the instructions and resources, should they wish to use them.

We will encourage the children to be as creative as they like with the project and if they wish to create additional work, this would be super!

Work can be completed on a computer or hand written.




Homework 13th May


As next week is our assessment week there will be no formal homework set. It may be of some benefit to look at the previous spelling patterns from this year (added below) as there will be an assessment spelling test next week.

Please also continue to read daily and record your reads in your reading diary; log into TT Rockstars and you may wish to complete the assessment section (pages 2-5) of your Maths Workbook in preparation for next week.

Homework 6th May 


Revise the words from the first two columns from the Year 3/4 spelling list (saved below). Complete the reading workbook pages 2 & 3 from your book. All about Nixie Labs in California! If you are struggling with this, complete the task saved below.

Don't forget to read daily and record this in your reading diary!



Complete page 8 of your Maths Workbook. If you are struggling with this, complete the activity saved below.

TT Rockstars

Homework 29th April 2021


Please complete pages 19,20,21 of your Year 6 Grammar, punctuation and spelling workbook. If you are struggling, focus on page 19 only.

This week's spelling pattern is list 12 from the spelling booklet. Learn all the words on the list and revise the pattern. If you are struggling, focus on the highlighted words.

Remember to read daily and record this in your reading diaries.



Complete pages 11 & 12 of your Year 6 Maths workbook. If you are struggling, complete the activity sheet saved below.

Make sure you log onto TT Rockstars!

Homework 22nd April



Complete the David Hawking reading comprehension below. If you cannot print this then you could read it online and write the answers to the questions on paper or in a notepad. Aim to complete the 3 star activity but if you are struggling, attempt the 1 or 2 star activities.

Spellings this week is list 11 'ei' after C. Please learn/revise all the words on the list and apply this pattern to other words. If you are struggling, focus on the highlighted words on the lists.

Make sure you are reading daily and recording this in you diary.



Complete pages 16 and 17 of your Year 6 Maths Book. Everyone should be able to have a go at these questions, even if you can't do some of them. There are also some ratio and proportion activities below (1 star easier, 3 star challenging) if you want to do these or are finding the work in the Maths Book too challenging.

Log in and complete TT Rockstars.

Homework Thursday 15th April

English: Please complete pages 60 and 61 of your Punctuation and Grammar workbook. The focus is semi-colons. This week's spellings is list 10 -ible and -ibly words. Revise all of the spellings on the list, if you are struggling, focus on the highlighted words.

Make sure you read daily and record your reading in your reading diaries.


Maths: Complete pages 42 and 43 of your Maths workbook. If you are struggling, complete the saved task below. 

Log in and complete your TT Rockstars. 

Homework for Easter Break (Set Thursday 25th March)


Please learn the spelling list (9) -able and -ably words for a test during the first week back. Also, make sure you are reading daily. For Maths, please log in to TT Rockstars at least once a week over the break.


There are some optional Easter activities below if you wish to do these.


On Monday 12th April you will need to wear your PE kit to school as usual.


Have a lovely break!







Homework Thursday 18th March



Complete pages 80 and 81 of your KS2 English Grammar, Punctuation and Spelling Question Book. These pages look at the spelling pattern for this week and last week. If you are struggling, do a word hunt for the different spelling patterns. How many different words with those patterns can you find?

The spelling list this week is list 8. Learn all of the spelling words listed and if you are struggling, focus on the highlighted words and revise these.

Remember to read daily.



Complete pages 66, 67 and 68,69 of your KS2 Maths Question Book. If you are struggling complete the task below.

Log into your TT Rockstars

Additional Homework Tasks and Spelling list

Homework Thursday 11th March



Complete pages 8&9 of your Year 6 KS2 Comprehension book. If you are struggling then complete the Mother's Day reading comprehension activity below (1 star is the easier, 3 star more challenging).

Learn list 7 on the spelling list for Spring term. Revise all the spellings on the list. If you are struggling with these, learn the highlighted spellings only.

Make sure you are reading daily.



Complete pages 52&53 of your Year 6 Maths Targeted Question Book. If you are struggling then complete the area worksheet below (imperial and metric).

Log on and complete TT Rockstars.

Autumn Spelling Lists (all)

Parent Guidance for Homework

Below is a link to a free website which contains ideas/activities and printable worksheets for home learning:


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