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Great BerryPrimary Academy

A caring place to Learn and Grow


Great Berry Primary School is an over-subscribed and popular school situated in the Great Berry area in Langdon Hills.  The school originally opened in 1988 and only had 56 pupils.  However, the school's number of pupils rapidly increased to over 400.  Great Berry is renowned for its high standards of achievement, behaviour and discipline.  In January 2012, Great Berry was inspected by OfSTED and was deemed outstanding in all areas. 

Great Berry Vision and Mission Statement

Our aim for every pupil at Great Berry is that they are each given the opportunity to achieve the best they can through a rich curriculum, which is broad, balanced and meets the needs of every learner.

We want our school to be a positive learning environment where children are safe, feel valued as individuals and enjoy their whole experience.

When children leave, we want them to be prepared for the next stage in their learning journey and ready for their life in modern Britain.


All we do at Great Berry is underpinned by our 6 core values:


Respect     Kindness    Resilience Responsibility  Curiosity      Aspiration

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